Relax and enjoy the beauty between mountains and waters. Qixing Lake Camping Ground between Mountains and Waters is located in Lianghua Town, Huidong. It is only 3 kilometers away from the famous Lianghua Plum Garden. The camping ground is surrounded by mountains. The brook stretches for several miles. The water is clear and one can see small fish playing in it at a glance. With the starry sky as the curtain and setting up tents to form a camp. Embrace the brook and hold the wild mountains to sleep. Therefore, it is said: Camping between mountains and waters to enjoy tranquility. Camping with mountains. Don’t miss the madness of youth, nor the sunrise and sunset. With you, with the mountains. Open all year round from 10:00 to 22:00.
Qixing Lake Camping Ground between Mountains and Waters
Relax and enjoy the beauty between mountains and waters. Qixing Lake Camping Ground between Mountains and Waters is located in […]