Embark on the Pandora Planet Adventure Tour, an experience that meticulously recreates the scenes from the iconic film ‘Avatar.’ Step into the grand and fantastical world of Pandora, a place of vibrant colors and the home of the Na’vi. Here, the Avatar and the Na’vi princess weave a romantic love story that comes to life.
As brave Avatars, you will defend your homeland’s peace with your lives, uniting to resist external threats and protect the beautiful and mysterious world that is your home. The Pandora Adventure Tour allows visitors to immerse themselves fully in this extraordinary experience. Interact with the Avatars and enjoy the sensory impact of sound, light, and electricity that enhances the adventure.
The tour is open all year round, inviting you to explore from 10:00 to 22:00 daily. Come and be a part of the legend on Pandora.