Peter Pan’s Sky Adventure

Embark on a magical pirate ship and set sail to Neverland, unleashing your imagination. After boarding the wonderful spaceship, fasten your seatbelt, pass through the nursery in Kensington Gardens, glide over the rooftops, and soar through the air on a delightful journey to Neverland, a paradise filled with faith and trust, where fairy dust abounds and leaves one enchanted. You will depart from London on an adventure.

Wendy, Michael, and John will teach you how to fly. This is what they learned from their bedtime stories about their hero Peter Pan and the magical fairies. Next, fly through the night sky in your spaceship, following Peter Pan to the Fairy Valley, the Lost Boys’ hideout, the Mermaid Lagoon, and the Skull Rock. Later, Peter Pan encounters Captain Hook in a narrow path, engages in a fierce battle, and bravely defeats the cunning Captain Hook.

Overcoming the pirates, Peter Pan feels very proud. Then, he and his companions help you cross the sky and return to the quiet city of London, back to where the magical journey began. Opening times for this attraction within Shanghai Disney Resort are subject to the actual conditions on the day. Essential tips can be obtained by visiting the ‘Fantasyland’ guest services center to collect a Disney Fastpass.

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