Putuo Goose Ear Linden

Putuo Goose Ear Linden is located 30 meters west of the entrance to Hui Ji Temple on Mount Putuo. The tree was first discovered by Mr. Zhong Guangguan, a pioneer of modern botany in China, on the summit of Mount Putuo in 1930. In 1932, it was identified as a newly discovered tree species by Professor Zheng Wanjun, a renowned Chinese forest scientist. The tree is named Putuo Goose Ear Linden (scientific name: Carpinus putoensis Cheng) because of its distinct feature: a seed the size of a green pea in the middle of the seed-bearing area, with tightly rolled small leaves on either side, resembling the ear of a white goose. It belongs to the sub-tropical plants, is part of the Betulaceae family, and is a deciduous tree with an age of over 200 years. The tree stands 124 meters tall, with a main trunk diameter of 63.7 centimeters at breast height, and a side diameter of 35.2 centimeters. The crown spread is 12.9 by 11.5 meters. The leaves are broad and oval-shaped, with soft hairs, and the tree is monoecious, with different colors for male and female flowers, and has a moderate growth rate. The tree branches out from the base, with upper branches growing in a regular pattern of double branches forming a ‘V’ shape, which is why it is also called the ‘Husband and Wife Tree’.

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