Red Rail Leisure Oil Painting Salon (Nanshan Huacai Store)

Relax and unwind with painting in a way that deviates from conventional methods. Our unique approach includes guidance from professional […]

Relax and unwind with painting in a way that deviates from conventional methods.

Our unique approach includes guidance from professional oil painters only after you’ve made mistakes, demonstrating how to correct them.

We don’t just aim to have you complete oil paintings; instead, we focus on nurturing your ability to think logically and draw inspiration from painting oil, enabling you to independently create oil paintings at home.

Professional oil painters provide on-site guidance, using unique methods, in a garden-like space and atmosphere, allowing you to easily experience, understand, contemplate, and create oil paintings.

You will gradually progress from easy to challenging, and from small to large, completing oil paintings.

The salon is open year-round from 10:30 to 21:30.

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