A seemingly routine dinosaur scientific expedition. An unexpectedly malfunctioning intelligent elevator has become a mysterious portal to ancient times. Awaiting the expedition team member – Lu Xiaotu and the intelligent elevator – Xiaoxiaozhi is a great adventure through prehistoric times. As a part of the scientific expedition, you will follow Lu Xiaotu and Xiaoxiaozhi. Encounter fierce Coelophysis, help the Brachiosaurus baby escape from being hunted by Allosaurus, witness the majestic postures of Mosasaurus and Quetzalcoatlus… And in this thrilling experience, you will have a deeper understanding of dinosaurs and a more profound perception of the relationship between us and the earth! Are you ready? Let’s put on XR glasses together! Let’s go! Opening hours: Open all year round. Tuesday to Sunday. 09:00 – 17:00.