This drama narrates the lives of 72 tenants residing in Taiping Street, Xiguan, Guangzhou, Guangdong during the Republic of China period in the 1940s. The story primarily revolves around the conflicts between the landlords and tenants, as well as the joys and sorrows of the neighborhood life. Despite their poverty, the residents of Taiping Street in the 1940s were enriched by the warmth of their community ties, adding a vibrant hue to their lives.
The series not only showcases the harmonious and supportive relationships among neighbors, the spirit of fighting against dark forces and promoting a just social atmosphere of the Republic of China era, but also includes peculiar incidents at the police station, disputes between military and police, and the emotional ups and downs of the neighborhood residents. The site is open all year round from 08:30 to 17:30, closed on Mondays and Tuesdays if filming is taking place.Must Read
Golden Bauhinia Square
08/10/2024 / Attractions, China
Suspended Glass Art Museum
16/10/2024 / Art Museum, China, time