Gubing Park, located on the ancient ginkgo corridor, is centered around a 1300-year-old ancient tree, surrounded by many century-old ginkgo trees. Although it is called a park, it is essentially a village named Fangyicun, where almost every household has ginkgo trees in front of their door. Amidst the ancient trees, farmhouses are nestled, complementing the scenic landscape of mountains and waters, truly a perfect match.
Many villagers sell ginkgo nuts, dried bamboo shoots, and sunflower seeds under the trees. The area boasts a good natural ecology, with clear mountains and waters, fresh air, rich products, and numerous cultural and natural landscapes. Scattered farmhouse inns welcome guests from all directions with open arms. And the smiling faces of the rural women waiting quietly at the door to greet you still retain the inherent simplicity and sincerity of the mountain people. Open all year round, accessible 24/7.Must Read
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