“Millennium Iron Soul, Jiangsu Sentiment” is a large-scale real-life drama of intangible cultural heritage iron flower integrating local culture of Jiangsu as the content foundation and combining with the intangible cultural heritage of iron-making flower. The real-life drama adopts advanced 3D lighting scenes to present you a picture of Zen tea, Wu charm and Han style, and deduce a thousand-year inheritance of kiln fire. Through modern scientific and technological means such as sound, light, electricity and fire, and integrating the unique presentation of intangible cultural heritage iron-making flower, it deduces the beautiful landscapes, historical culture and local customs of Jiangsu. In the Spring Festival of 2023, in Baita Village, Xizhu Town, Yixing City, thousands of intangible cultural heritage craftsmen, hundreds of millions of yuan of investment, wonderful iron shows and fully surrounded retractable stage will bring you a Han style fireworks rain belonging to people in Jiangsu. Opening hours: Open from 09:00 to 23:00 all year round.
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