Tainan Art Museum 2

The second venue of Tainan Art Museum is designed with a pentagonal shape transformed from the phoenix flower with Tainan […]

The second venue of Tainan Art Museum is designed with a pentagonal shape transformed from the phoenix flower with Tainan characteristics. It creates square spaces through vertical stacking and dislocation. Inspired by the flower of the official tree of Tainan, the Delonix regia. The unique canopy shelters the museum’s five-story stacked volume with a total of 16 exhibition spaces. This structure also creates a semi-outdoor platform. In general, the building contains approximately 2,500 square meters of exhibition space, collection areas, performance theaters, children’s art centers, and studios. Opening hours: Tuesday to Friday and Sunday throughout the year, open from 10:00 to 18:00; Saturday throughout the year, open from 10:00 to 21:00; closed all day on Monday throughout the year.

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