Naniwa Danshi惊喜宣布首次亚洲巡回演唱会。日本星达拓娱乐旗下人气 7 人团体‘浪花男子’上月推出热门专辑《+Alpha》,首周销量破 35.7 万张,三度夺得日本公信榜 Oricon 专辑榜冠军。他们以该专辑为主题,在日本全国 9 个城市举行 42 场演唱会,吸引约 43.4 万人参加。昨日(13 日)横滨场备受瞩目,七人在横滨巨蛋连续开唱 5 天 8 场,吸引 12 万人。他们宣布将于年底举办首次亚洲巡回‘Naniwa Danshi ASIA TOUR 2024+2025 ‘+Alpha’’,将前往台北、首尔和香港,与当地歌迷见面,引发全场尖叫鼓掌。浪花男子由大桥和也、藤原丈一郎、西畑大吾、大西流星、高桥恭平、道枝骏佑、长尾谦杜组成。成军 5 年,出道近 3 年,在台港韩日人气颇高。出道曲《初心 LOVE》在 YouTube 播放次数突破 1 亿次,最新专辑《+Alpha》销量屡创佳绩。成员们在戏剧方面有天赋,道枝骏佑出演的作品在海内外高讨论度。对于即将在台北演出,成员们很期待。大西流星回忆台北美食多,在唱片行看到浪花男子的影音产品很开心。藤原丈一郎今年已来台 3 次,自封为‘台北担当’,要带大家品尝小笼包和逛夜市。高桥恭平表示第一次出国,定期更新护照,如今派上用场很开心。藤原丈一郎向全球媒体发出邀请,期待歌迷加入派对。亚洲巡演前,浪花男子宣布新专辑《+Alpha》及历年 6 张热门单曲于台湾时间 8 月 13 日(二)晚上 11 点在各大音乐串流平台上架。
The ‘+Alpha’ concert integrates the latest stage technology and highlights Naniwamentai’s theme of ‘#Shining’, presenting an impressive 30 songs. The album’s name and concept were proposed by member Michino Shunsuke, with ‘+Alpha’ being a Japanese-English term meaning ‘a little more than the original’. He generously shared the new album’s philosophy, considering it as the first album released after the members’ debut for three years and after all members have turned 20, aiming to showcase their mature and cool aura to fans while retaining the group’s unique style. Member Ohashi Kazuya also commented on the album’s main song ‘Alpha’, stating that although it is a typical shining idol song, its spectacular musical-style MV is also a highlight. In fact, the tour also aligns with this concept, with the opening song ‘NEW CLASSIC’ themed around Vivaldi’s ‘Spring’ from ‘The Four Seasons’, and ‘Live in the moment’ inspired by the fourth movement of Beethoven’s ‘Ninth Symphony’. The prelude and performance heavily incorporate classical music elements and the latest video technology, aiming to create a visual feast that is both classical and innovative for fans. The event is open from 11/30 to 12/01, and the performance time and duration are subject to the live event.